Michael Shutes
Lead Guitarist

About Michael:

Where do you live and what do you do for a living?
I live in Waterford Michigan
My profession is in Mechanical Engineering, designing special machines, automation, and robotics.
When did you first discover you had a passion to play music
 At about 9 or 10 years old I started playing drums, then a few months later self-teaching guitar.

Additional info…
At about 9 or 10 years old I somehow acquired a drum set at home. Becoming good enough to be accepted to play drums in the elementary school band. This is where I learned drumming rudiments, structure, and odd timing, playing drums up to high school. 
That following summer I got into band in 5th grade, I stayed with my father in Indiana, where this dude in his late teens next door was playing guitar (very loudly). That was it, I found my life’s passion. I’m gonna play guitar
At the age of 15 my family moved to Detroit area where I formed my first band “Black Magic”.   From there my self teaching and determination was on the move. Then, in 10th grade, I discovered “Rush”, need I say more.

 Since junior high I’ve been in several bands and played many shows over the years.


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